Benedetto Intrigila ; Richard Statman - Solution of a Problem of Barendregt on Sensible lambda-Theories

lmcs:2241 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, October 18, 2006, Volume 2, Issue 4 -
Solution of a Problem of Barendregt on Sensible lambda-TheoriesArticle

Authors: Benedetto Intrigila ; Richard Statman

    <i>H</i> is the theory extending &#946;-conversion by identifying all closed unsolvables. <i>H</i>&#969; is the closure of this theory under the &#969;-rule (and &#946;-conversion). A long-standing conjecture of H. Barendregt states that the provable equations of <i>H</i>&#969; form &#928;<sub>1</sub><sup>1</sup>-complete set. Here we prove that conjecture.

    Volume: Volume 2, Issue 4
    Published on: October 18, 2006
    Submitted on: December 9, 2005
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,F.4.1

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