CALCO 2011, the 4th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer
Science, was held in Winchester, United Kingdom, August 30 --
September 2, 2011. This special issue contains extended versions of
selected papers presented at the conference.
CALCO is a bi-annual event formed by joining CMCS (the International
Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science) and WADT (the
International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques). CALCO
focuses on foundational aspects as well as both traditional and
emerging uses of algebras and coalgebras in computer science, where
the study of algebra and coalgebra relates to the data, process and
structural aspects of software systems.
We are grateful to the University of Southampton and to the Local
Organizing Committee chaired by Corina Cîrstea, for organizing the
interesting and memorable event of CALCO 2011.
Proceedings of the conference with the original contributions by
invited speakers and submissions selected by the Programme Committee
were published by Springer-Verlag as volume 6859 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science.
The seven papers in this collection were invited by the guest editors,
based on the evaluation by the Programme Committee and
subreferees. All submitted papers were peer-reviewed according to the
usual high standards of LMCS.
We would like to thank the authors of the papers in this special issue
for their excellent submissions, and the referees for their careful
and thorough work.
Andrea Corradini and Bartek Klin Guest Editors & PC Chairs of CALCO 2011