Hermann K. -G. Walter ; Ulrike Brandt - Unsolvability Cores in Classification Problems

lmcs:1021 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, June 19, 2014, Volume 10, Issue 2 - https://doi.org/10.2168/LMCS-10(2:12)2014
Unsolvability Cores in Classification ProblemsArticle

Authors: Hermann K. -G. Walter ; Ulrike Brandt

    Classification problems have been introduced by M. Ziegler as a generalization of promise problems. In this paper we are concerned with solvability and unsolvability questions with respect to a given set or language family, especially with cores of unsolvability. We generalize the results about unsolvability cores in promise problems to classification problems. Our main results are a characterization of unsolvability cores via cohesiveness and existence theorems for such cores in unsolvable classification problems. In contrast to promise problems we have to strengthen the conditions to assert the existence of such cores. In general unsolvable classification problems with more than two components exist, which possess no cores, even if the set family under consideration satisfies the assumptions which are necessary to prove the existence of cores in unsolvable promise problems. But, if one of the components is fixed we can use the results on unsolvability cores in promise problems, to assert the existence of such cores in general. In this case we speak of conditional classification problems and conditional cores. The existence of conditional cores can be related to complexity cores. Using this connection we can prove for language families, that conditional cores with recursive components exist, provided that this family admits an uniform solution for the word problem.

    Volume: Volume 10, Issue 2
    Published on: June 19, 2014
    Imported on: November 20, 2013
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,Mathematics - Logic

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