Executive Board

The Execuitve Board of Logical Methods of Computer Science consists of conference representatives, members-at-large, the EiC, the previous two EiCs and the managing editors for special issues. Conference representatives are sent by steering committees of leading conferences in the field of logic in computer science. Members-at-large are invited by the Board for the purpose of improving its own representativity in the community.

Luca Aceto (member-at-large)
Department of Computer Science, Reykjavik University, and Gran Sasso Science Institute

Jiri Adamek (pre previous EiC)
Technical University Braunschweig

Rajeev Alur (member-at-large)
Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania

Patrick Bailot (FSCD)
Université de Lille

Olaf Beyersdorff (STACS)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Patricia Bouyer-Decitre (member-at-large)
CNRS & ENS Paris Saclay

Lars Birkedal (chair, previous EiC)
Aarhus University

Ugo Dal Lago (member-at-large)
University of Bologna

Javier Esparza (ICALP)
Technische Universität München

Maribel Fernandez (CSL)
King's College London

Wan Fokkink (CONCUR)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Antonín Kučera (MFCS)
Masaryk University Brno

Wim Martens (ICDT)
University of Bayreuth

Stefan Milius (EiC)
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg

Andrzej Murawski (FoSSaCS)
Oxford University

Prakash Panangaden (member-at-large)
School of Computer Science, McGill University

Brigitte Pientka (LICS, special issue editor)
School of Computer Science, McGill University

Benjamin Pierce (member-at-large)
Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania

Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (IJCAR)
Universität Koblenz-Landau

Moshe Vardi (member-at-large)
Rice University

Fabio Zanasi (special issue editor)
University College London