

Logical Methods in Computer Science e.V. is a non-profit association whose purpose is the support of science and research, and in particular to facilitate the dissemination of scientific results pertaining to logic in computer science. The publication of the journal is its primary activity at present. The association was founded in September 2014, and its directors are: Lars Birkedal (president), Wan Fokkink (vice president), and Stefan Milius (treasurer). The constitution of the association can be downloaded here.

Logical Methods in Computer Science e.V. is tax-exempt according to ยง52 of the German General Tax Code. The journal's editors, executive board, editorial board, and staff all serve on an unpaid volunteer basis, and their work is made possible by the research institutions and universities who support them.

The association welcomes charitable donations, including individual and corporate gifts of money, equipment and personnel to help support the operation of the journal. Individuals and organizations wishing to make donations to support the journal should contact the treasurer Stefan Milius.

Logical Methods in Computer Science also would be happy to receive non-financial support from individuals or organizations. If you want to contribute to the journal, e.g. by volunteer work, please contact the editor-in-chief Stefan Milius.