Online Submissions
Submission Preparation Checklist (All items required)
- The paper submitted has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The License Agreement is signed hereby for publication in Logical Methods in Computer Science.
- The submission has been published as a preprint on the Computing Research Repository (CoRR); i.e. the computer science part of with subject at least "Logic in Computer Science" (cs.LO).
Make sure to submit the correct arXiv version, in case there are several arxiv versions of your paper.
- Please choose exactly one handling editor from our current Editorial Board on the submission page. (Users not listed on the Editorial Board page are resigning editors and must not be chosen.)
Submission to a special issue
During the submission procedure you will need to enter a Special Issue Code that you should have received from the guest editors. Please make sure to press the "Submit" button next to the corresponding input line first before proceeding to choosing a guess editor. (Do not choose a regular editor!)
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