D. Cacciagrano ; F. Corradini ; C. Palamidessi - Explicit fairness in testing semantics

lmcs:1134 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, June 22, 2009, Volume 5, Issue 2 - https://doi.org/10.2168/LMCS-5(2:15)2009
Explicit fairness in testing semanticsArticle

Authors: D. Cacciagrano ; F. Corradini ; C. Palamidessi

    In this paper we investigate fair computations in the pi-calculus. Following Costa and Stirling's approach for CCS-like languages, we consider a method to label process actions in order to filter out unfair computations. We contrast the existing fair-testing notion with those that naturally arise by imposing weak and strong fairness. This comparison provides insight about the expressiveness of the various `fair' testing semantics and about their discriminating power.

    Volume: Volume 5, Issue 2
    Published on: June 22, 2009
    Imported on: May 6, 2008
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,F.1.2,D.3.1

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