Patricia Bouyer ; Thomas Brihaye ; Fabrice Chevalier - O-Minimal Hybrid Reachability Games

lmcs:1206 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, January 12, 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1 -
O-Minimal Hybrid Reachability GamesArticle

Authors: Patricia Bouyer ; Thomas Brihaye ; Fabrice Chevalier

    In this paper, we consider reachability games over general hybrid systems, and distinguish between two possible observation frameworks for those games: either the precise dynamics of the system is seen by the players (this is the perfect observation framework), or only the starting point and the delays are known by the players (this is the partial observation framework). In the first more classical framework, we show that time-abstract bisimulation is not adequate for solving this problem, although it is sufficient in the case of timed automata . That is why we consider an other equivalence, namely the suffix equivalence based on the encoding of trajectories through words. We show that this suffix equivalence is in general a correct abstraction for games. We apply this result to o-minimal hybrid systems, and get decidability and computability results in this framework. For the second framework which assumes a partial observation of the dynamics of the system, we propose another abstraction, called the superword encoding, which is suitable to solve the games under that assumption. In that framework, we also provide decidability and computability results.

    Volume: Volume 6, Issue 1
    Published on: January 12, 2010
    Imported on: April 9, 2007
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,Computer Science - Computer Science and Game Theory,F.3.1,F.4.1


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