Benedikt Bollig ; Arnaud Sangnier ; Olivier Stietel - On the Satisfiability of Local First-Order Logics with Data

lmcs:11538 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, July 2, 2024, Volume 20, Issue 3 -
On the Satisfiability of Local First-Order Logics with DataArticle

Authors: Benedikt Bollig ; Arnaud Sangnier ; Olivier Stietel

    We study first-order logic over unordered structures whose elements carry a finite number of data values from an infinite domain. Data values can be compared wrt.\ equality. As the satisfiability problem for this logic is undecidable in general, we introduce a family of local fragments. They restrict quantification to the neighbourhood of a given reference point that is bounded by some radius. Our first main result establishes decidability of the satisfiability problem for the local radius-1 fragment in presence of one "diagonal relation". On the other hand, extending the radius leads to undecidability. In a second part, we provide the precise decidability and complexity landscape of the satisfiability problem for the existential fragments of local logic, which are parameterized by the number of data values carried by each element and the radius of the considered neighbourhoods. Altogether, we draw a landscape of formalisms that are suitable for the specification of systems with data and open up new avenues for future research.

    Volume: Volume 20, Issue 3
    Published on: July 2, 2024
    Accepted on: April 12, 2024
    Submitted on: July 4, 2023
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • FoRmal mEthods for the Design of Distributed Algorithms; Funder: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-17-CE40-0013

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