Drewes Frank ; Leroux Jérôme - Structurally Cyclic Petri Nets

lmcs:1616 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, December 22, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 4 - https://doi.org/10.2168/LMCS-11(4:15)2015
Structurally Cyclic Petri NetsArticle

Authors: Drewes Frank ; Leroux Jérôme

    A Petri net is structurally cyclic if every configuration is reachable from itself in one or more steps. We show that structural cyclicity is decidable in deterministic polynomial time. For this, we adapt the Kosaraju's approach for the general reachability problem for Petri nets.

    Volume: Volume 11, Issue 4
    Published on: December 22, 2015
    Submitted on: February 23, 2015
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science

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