Adrian Francalanza ; Edsko DeVries ; Matthew Hennessy - Compositional Reasoning for Explicit Resource Management in Channel-Based Concurrency

lmcs:691 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, June 26, 2014, Volume 10, Issue 2 -
Compositional Reasoning for Explicit Resource Management in Channel-Based ConcurrencyArticle

Authors: Adrian Francalanza ORCID; Edsko DeVries ; Matthew Hennessy

    We define a pi-calculus variant with a costed semantics where channels are treated as resources that must explicitly be allocated before they are used and can be deallocated when no longer required. We use a substructural type system tracking permission transfer to construct coinductive proof techniques for comparing behaviour and resource usage efficiency of concurrent processes. We establish full abstraction results between our coinductive definitions and a contextual behavioural preorder describing a notion of process efficiency w.r.t. its management of resources. We also justify these definitions and respective proof techniques through numerous examples and a case study comparing two concurrent implementations of an extensible buffer.

    Volume: Volume 10, Issue 2
    Published on: June 26, 2014
    Imported on: November 28, 2012
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science


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