Pawel Sobocinski ; Tobias Heindel - Being Van Kampen is a universal property

lmcs:701 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, April 1, 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1 -
Being Van Kampen is a universal propertyArticle

Authors: Pawel Sobocinski ORCID; Tobias Heindel

    Colimits that satisfy the Van Kampen condition have interesting exactness properties. We show that the elementary presentation of the Van Kampen condition is actually a characterisation of a universal property in the associated bicategory of spans. The main theorem states that Van Kampen cocones are precisely those diagrams in a category that induce bicolimit diagrams in its associated bicategory of spans, provided that the category has pullbacks and enough colimits.

    Volume: Volume 7, Issue 1
    Published on: April 1, 2011
    Imported on: October 19, 2010
    Keywords: Mathematics - Category Theory,Computer Science - Programming Languages,cs.PL


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