Jeroen Ketema ; Jakob Grue Simonsen - Infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems: Normalising Reduction Strategies

lmcs:841 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, February 26, 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1 -
Infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems: Normalising Reduction StrategiesArticle

Authors: Jeroen Ketema ; Jakob Grue Simonsen

    We study normalising reduction strategies for infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems (iCRSs). We prove that all fair, outermost-fair, and needed-fair strategies are normalising for orthogonal, fully-extended iCRSs. These facts properly generalise a number of results on normalising strategies in first-order infinitary rewriting and provide the first examples of normalising strategies for infinitary lambda calculus.

    Volume: Volume 6, Issue 1
    Published on: February 26, 2010
    Imported on: October 28, 2008
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,D.3.1,F.3.2,F.4.1,F.4.2
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Infinite Objects, computation, modeling and reasoning; Funder: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); Code: 642.000.502

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