Andre Hernich - Answering Non-Monotonic Queries in Relational Data Exchange

lmcs:904 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, September 1, 2011, Volume 7, Issue 3 -
Answering Non-Monotonic Queries in Relational Data ExchangeArticle

Authors: Andre Hernich

    Relational data exchange is the problem of translating relational data from a source schema into a target schema, according to a specification of the relationship between the source data and the target data. One of the basic issues is how to answer queries that are posed against target data. While consensus has been reached on the definitive semantics for monotonic queries, this issue turned out to be considerably more difficult for non-monotonic queries. Several semantics for non-monotonic queries have been proposed in the past few years. This article proposes a new semantics for non-monotonic queries, called the GCWA*-semantics. It is inspired by semantics from the area of deductive databases. We show that the GCWA*-semantics coincides with the standard open world semantics on monotonic queries, and we further explore the (data) complexity of evaluating non-monotonic queries under the GCWA*-semantics. In particular, we introduce a class of schema mappings for which universal queries can be evaluated under the GCWA*-semantics in polynomial time (data complexity) on the core of the universal solutions.

    Volume: Volume 7, Issue 3
    Published on: September 1, 2011
    Imported on: August 28, 2010
    Keywords: Computer Science - Databases,Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,cs.LO


    Mathematics Subject Classification 20201

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