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3 results

Coalgebraic Trace Semantics for Continuous Probabilistic Transition Systems

Henning Kerstan ; Barbara König.
Coalgebras in a Kleisli category yield a generic definition of trace semantics for various types of labelled transition systems. In this paper we apply this generic theory to generative probabilistic transition systems, short PTS, with arbitrary (possibly uncountable) state spaces. We consider the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 4, 2013

Conditional Bisimilarity for Reactive Systems

Mathias Hülsbusch ; Barbara König ; Sebastian Küpper ; Lara Stoltenow.
Reactive systems \`a la Leifer and Milner, an abstract categorical framework for rewriting, provide a suitable framework for deriving bisimulation congruences. This is done by synthesizing interactions with the environment in order to obtain a compositional semantics. We enrich the notion of&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 12, 2022

Fixpoint Theory -- Upside Down

Paolo Baldan ; Richard Eggert ; Barbara König ; Tommaso Padoan.
Knaster-Tarski's theorem, characterising the greatest fixpoint of a monotone function over a complete lattice as the largest post-fixpoint, naturally leads to the so-called coinduction proof principle for showing that some element is below the greatest fixpoint (e.g., for providing bisimilarity&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 7, 2023

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