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3 results

Conditional Bisimilarity for Reactive Systems

Mathias Hülsbusch ; Barbara König ; Sebastian Küpper ; Lara Stoltenow.
Reactive systems \`a la Leifer and Milner, an abstract categorical framework for rewriting, provide a suitable framework for deriving bisimulation congruences. This is done by synthesizing interactions with the environment in order to obtain a compositional semantics. We enrich the notion of&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 12, 2022

Fixpoint Theory -- Upside Down

Paolo Baldan ; Richard Eggert ; Barbara König ; Tommaso Padoan.
Knaster-Tarski's theorem, characterising the greatest fixpoint of a monotone function over a complete lattice as the largest post-fixpoint, naturally leads to the so-called coinduction proof principle for showing that some element is below the greatest fixpoint (e.g., for providing bisimilarity&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 7, 2023

Bisimilarity and Behaviour-Preserving Reconfigurations of Open Petri Nets

Paolo Baldan ; Andrea Corradini ; Hartmut Ehrig ; Reiko Heckel ; Barbara König.
We propose a framework for the specification of behaviour-preserving reconfigurations of systems modelled as Petri nets. The framework is based on open nets, a mild generalisation of ordinary Place/Transition nets suited to model open systems which might interact with the surrounding environment and&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on October 21, 2008

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