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2 results

The Complexity of Enriched Mu-Calculi

Piero A. Bonatti ; Carsten Lutz ; Aniello Murano ; Moshe Y. Vardi.
The fully enriched &mu;-calculus is the extension of the propositional &mu;-calculus with inverse programs, graded modalities, and nominals. While satisfiability in several expressive fragments of the fully enriched &mu;-calculus is known to be decidable and ExpTime-complete, it has recently been&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 22, 2008

The Data Complexity of Description Logic Ontologies

Carsten Lutz ; Frank Wolter.
We analyze the data complexity of ontology-mediated querying where the ontologies are formulated in a description logic (DL) of the ALC family and queries are conjunctive queries, positive existential queries, or acyclic conjunctive queries. Our approach is non-uniform in the sense that we aim to&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 13, 2017

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