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2 results

Correct and Efficient Antichain Algorithms for Refinement Checking

Maurice Laveaux ; Jan Friso Groote ; Tim A. C. Willemse.
The notion of refinement plays an important role in software engineering. It is the basis of a stepwise development methodology in which the correctness of a system can be established by proving, or computing, that a system refines its specification. Wang et al. describe algorithms based on&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 1, 2021

Lowerbounds for Bisimulation by Partition Refinement

Jan Friso Groote ; Jan Martens ; Erik. P. de Vink.
We provide time lower bounds for sequential and parallel algorithms deciding bisimulation on labeled transition systems that use partition refinement. For sequential algorithms this is $\Omega((m \mkern1mu {+} \mkern1mu n ) \mkern-1mu \log \mkern-1mu n)$ and for parallel algorithms this is&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 11, 2023

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