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4 results

Continuous Markovian Logics - Axiomatization and Quantified Metatheory

Radu Mardare ; Luca Cardelli ; Kim G. Larsen.
Continuous Markovian Logic (CML) is a multimodal logic that expresses quantitative and qualitative properties of continuous-time labelled Markov processes with arbitrary (analytic) state-spaces, henceforth called continuous Markov processes (CMPs). The modalities of CML evaluate the rates of the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 29, 2012

Compositional bisimulation metric reasoning with Probabilistic Process Calculi

Daniel Gebler ; Kim G. Larsen ; Simone Tini.
We study which standard operators of probabilistic process calculi allow for compositional reasoning with respect to bisimulation metric semantics. We argue that uniform continuity (generalizing the earlier proposed property of non-expansiveness) captures the essential nature of compositional&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 27, 2017

Computing Probabilistic Bisimilarity Distances for Probabilistic Automata

Giorgio Bacci ; Giovanni Bacci ; Kim G. Larsen ; Radu Mardare ; Qiyi Tang ; Franck van Breugel.
The probabilistic bisimilarity distance of Deng et al. has been proposed as a robust quantitative generalization of Segala and Lynch's probabilistic bisimilarity for probabilistic automata. In this paper, we present a characterization of the bisimilarity distance as the solution of a simple&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 3, 2021

On-the-Fly Computation of Bisimilarity Distances

Giorgio Bacci ; Giovanni Bacci ; Kim G. Larsen ; Radu Mardare.
We propose a distance between continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs) and study the problem of computing it by comparing three different algorithmic methodologies: iterative, linear program, and on-the-fly. In a work presented at FoSSaCS'12, Chen et al. characterized the bisimilarity distance of&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 30, 2017

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