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4 results

Algorithms for Game Metrics

Krishnendu Chatterjee ; Luca de Alfaro ; Rupak Majumdar ; Vishwanath Raman.
Simulation and bisimulation metrics for stochastic systems provide a quantitative generalization of the classical simulation and bisimulation relations. These metrics capture the similarity of states with respect to quantitative specifications written in the quantitative {\mu}-calculus and related&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 1, 2010

Qualitative Logics and Equivalences for Probabilistic Systems

Krishnendu Chatterjee ; Luca de Alfaro ; Marco Faella ; Axel Legay.
We investigate logics and equivalence relations that capture the qualitative behavior of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). We present Qualitative Randomized CTL (QRCTL): formulas of this logic can express the fact that certain temporal properties hold over all paths, or with probability 0 or 1, but&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 4, 2009

Expressiveness and Closure Properties for Quantitative Languages

Krishnendu Chatterjee ; Laurent Doyen ; Thomas A Henzinger.
Weighted automata are nondeterministic automata with numerical weights on transitions. They can define quantitative languages~$L$ that assign to each word~$w$ a real number~$L(w)$. In the case of infinite words, the value of a run is naturally computed as the maximum, limsup, liminf, limit-average,&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 30, 2010

Quantitative Automata under Probabilistic Semantics

Krishnendu Chatterjee ; Thomas A. Henzinger ; Jan Otop.
Automata with monitor counters, where the transitions do not depend on counter values, and nested weighted automata are two expressive automata-theoretic frameworks for quantitative properties. For a well-studied and wide class of quantitative functions, we establish that automata with monitor&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 13, 2019

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