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2 results

First-Order and Temporal Logics for Nested Words

Rajeev Alur ; Marcelo Arenas ; Pablo Barcelo ; Kousha Etessami ; Neil Immerman ; Leonid Libkin.
Nested words are a structured model of execution paths in procedural programs, reflecting their call and return nesting structure. Finite nested words also capture the structure of parse trees and other tree-structured data, such as XML. We provide new temporal logics for finite and infinite nested&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 25, 2008

Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

Leonid Libkin.
Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on July 26, 2006

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