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2 results

Honesty by Typing

Massimo Bartoletti ; Alceste Scalas ; Emilio Tuosto ; Roberto Zunino.
We propose a type system for a calculus of contracting processes. Processes can establish sessions by stipulating contracts, and then can interact either by keeping the promises made, or not. Type safety guarantees that a typeable process is honest - that is, it abides by the contracts it has&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 27, 2017

Timed Session Types

Massimo Bartoletti ; Tiziana Cimoli ; Maurizio Murgia.
Timed session types formalise timed communication protocols between two participants at the endpoints of a session. They feature a decidable compliance relation, which generalises to the timed setting the progress-based compliance between untimed session types. We show a sound and complete technique&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 8, 2017

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