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5 results

Multi-Objective Model Checking of Markov Decision Processes

Kousha Etessami ; Marta Kwiatkowska ; Moshe Y. Vardi ; Mihalis Yannakakis.
We study and provide efficient algorithms for multi-objective model checking problems for Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). Given an MDP, M, and given multiple linear-time (\omega -regular or LTL) properties \varphi\_i, and probabilities r\_i \epsilon [0,1], i=1,...,k, we ask whether there exists a&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 12, 2008

The Complexity of Enriched Mu-Calculi

Piero A. Bonatti ; Carsten Lutz ; Aniello Murano ; Moshe Y. Vardi.
The fully enriched &mu;-calculus is the extension of the propositional &mu;-calculus with inverse programs, graded modalities, and nominals. While satisfiability in several expressive fragments of the fully enriched &mu;-calculus is known to be decidable and ExpTime-complete, it has recently been&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 22, 2008

B\"uchi Complementation and Size-Change Termination

Seth Fogarty ; Moshe Y. Vardi.
We compare tools for complementing nondeterministic B\"uchi automata with a recent termination-analysis algorithm. Complementation of B\"uchi automata is a key step in program verification. Early constructions using a Ramsey-based argument have been supplanted by rank-based constructions with&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 27, 2012

Sequential Relational Decomposition

Dror Fried ; Axel Legay ; Joël Ouaknine ; Moshe Y. Vardi.
The concept of decomposition in computer science and engineering is considered a fundamental component of computational thinking and is prevalent in design of algorithms, software construction, hardware design, and more. We propose a simple and natural formalization of sequential decomposition, in&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 3, 2022

Comparator automata in quantitative verification

Suguman Bansal ; Swarat Chaudhuri ; Moshe Y. Vardi.
The notion of comparison between system runs is fundamental in formal verification. This concept is implicitly present in the verification of qualitative systems, and is more pronounced in the verification of quantitative systems. In this work, we identify a novel mode of comparison in quantitative&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on July 29, 2022

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