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2 results

Nominal Coalgebraic Data Types with Applications to Lambda Calculus

Alexander Kurz ; Daniela Luan Petrişan ; Paula Severi ; Fer-Jan de Vries.
We investigate final coalgebras in nominal sets. This allows us to define types of infinite data with binding for which all constructions automatically respect alpha equivalence. We give applications to the infinitary lambda calculus.
Published on December 11, 2013

On Sessions and Infinite Data

Paula Severi ; Luca Padovani ; Emilio Tuosto ; Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini.
We define a novel calculus that combines a call-by-name functional core with session-based communication primitives. We develop a typing discipline that guarantees both normalisation of expressions and progress of processes and that uncovers an unexpected interplay between evaluation and&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 20, 2017

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