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2 results

Simulation Problems Over One-Counter Nets

Piotr Hofman ; Slawomir Lasota ; Richard Mayr ; Patrick Totzke.
One-counter nets (OCN) are finite automata equipped with a counter that can store non-negative integer values, and that cannot be tested for zero. Equivalently, these are exactly 1-dimensional vector addition systems with states. We show that both strong and weak simulation preorder on OCN are&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 14, 2016

Model Checking Flat Freeze LTL on One-Counter Automata

Antonia Lechner ; Richard Mayr ; Joël Ouaknine ; Amaury Pouly ; James Worrell.
Freeze LTL is a temporal logic with registers that is suitable for specifying properties of data words. In this paper we study the model checking problem for Freeze LTL on one-counter automata. This problem is known to be undecidable in general and PSPACE-complete for the special case of&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 7, 2018

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