Volume 5, Issue 4


1. A Type System For Call-By-Name Exceptions

Sylvain Lebresne.
We present an extension of System F with call-by-name exceptions. The type system is enriched with two syntactic constructs: a union type for programs whose execution may raise an exception at top level, and a corruption type for programs that may raise an exception in any evaluation context (not necessarily at top level). We present the syntax and reduction rules of the system, as well as its typing and subtyping rules. We then study its properties, such as confluence. Finally, we construct a realizability model using orthogonality techniques, from which we deduce that well-typed programs are weakly normalizing and that the ones who have the type of natural numbers really compute a natural number, without raising exceptions.

2. A Step-indexed Semantics of Imperative Objects

Catalin Hritcu ; Jan Schwinghammer.
Step-indexed semantic interpretations of types were proposed as an alternative to purely syntactic proofs of type safety using subject reduction. The types are interpreted as sets of values indexed by the number of computation steps for which these values are guaranteed to behave like proper elements of the type. Building on work by Ahmed, Appel and others, we introduce a step-indexed semantics for the imperative object calculus of Abadi and Cardelli. Providing a semantic account of this calculus using more `traditional', domain-theoretic approaches has proved challenging due to the combination of dynamically allocated objects, higher-order store, and an expressive type system. Here we show that, using step-indexing, one can interpret a rich type discipline with object types, subtyping, recursive and bounded quantified types in the presence of state.

3. Infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems: Confluence

Jeroen Ketema ; Jakob Grue Simonsen.
We study confluence in the setting of higher-order infinitary rewriting, in particular for infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems (iCRSs). We prove that fully-extended, orthogonal iCRSs are confluent modulo identification of hypercollapsing subterms. As a corollary, we obtain that fully-extended, orthogonal iCRSs have the normal form property and the unique normal form property (with respect to reduction). We also show that, unlike the case in first-order infinitary rewriting, almost non-collapsing iCRSs are not necessarily confluent.

4. The Complexity of Infinite Computations In Models of Set Theory

Olivier Finkel.
We prove the following surprising result: there exist a 1-counter Büchi automaton and a 2-tape Büchi automaton such that the \omega-language of the first and the infinitary rational relation of the second in one model of ZFC are \pi_2^0-sets, while in a different model of ZFC both are analytic but non Borel sets. This shows that the topological complexity of an \omega-language accepted by a 1-counter Büchi automaton or of an infinitary rational relation accepted by a 2-tape Büchi automaton is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC. We show that a similar result holds for the class of languages of infinite pictures which are recognized by Büchi tiling systems. We infer from the proof of the above results an improvement of the lower bound of some decision problems recently studied by the author.

5. Computation Tree Logic with Deadlock Detection

Rob van Glabbeek ; Bas Luttik ; Nikola Trcka.
We study the equivalence relation on states of labelled transition systems of satisfying the same formulas in Computation Tree Logic without the next state modality (CTL-X). This relation is obtained by De Nicola & Vaandrager by translating labelled transition systems to Kripke structures, while lifting the totality restriction on the latter. They characterised it as divergence sensitive branching bisimulation equivalence. We find that this equivalence fails to be a congruence for interleaving parallel composition. The reason is that the proposed application of CTL-X to non-total Kripke structures lacks the expressiveness to cope with deadlock properties that are important in the context of parallel composition. We propose an extension of CTL-X, or an alternative treatment of non-totality, that fills this hiatus. The equivalence induced by our extension is characterised as branching bisimulation equivalence with explicit divergence, which is, moreover, shown to be the coarsest congruence contained in divergence sensitive branching bisimulation equivalence.

6. Observational Equivalence and Full Abstraction in the Symmetric Interaction Combinators

Damiano Mazza.
The symmetric interaction combinators are an equally expressive variant of Lafont's interaction combinators. They are a graph-rewriting model of deterministic computation. We define two notions of observational equivalence for them, analogous to normal form and head normal form equivalence in the lambda-calculus. Then, we prove a full abstraction result for each of the two equivalences. This is obtained by interpreting nets as certain subsets of the Cantor space, called edifices, which play the same role as Boehm trees in the theory of the lambda-calculus.