Selected Papers of the 24th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2022)

Editors: Dan Olteanu, Reinhard Pichler

1. Robustness against Read Committed for Transaction Templates with Functional Constraints

Brecht Vandevoort ; Bas Ketsman ; Christoph Koch ; Frank Neven.
The popular isolation level Multiversion Read Committed (RC) trades some of the strong guarantees of serializability for increased transaction throughput. Sometimes, transaction workloads can be safely executed under RC obtaining serializability at the lower cost of RC. Such workloads are said to be robust against RC. Previous work has yielded a tractable procedure for deciding robustness against RC for workloads generated by transaction programs modeled as transaction templates. An important insight of that work is that, by more accurately modeling transaction programs, we are able to recognize larger sets of workloads as robust. In this work, we increase the modeling power of transaction templates by extending them with functional constraints, which are useful for capturing data dependencies like foreign keys. We show that the incorporation of functional constraints can identify more workloads as robust that otherwise would not be. Even though we establish that the robustness problem becomes undecidable in its most general form, we show that various restrictions on functional constraints lead to decidable and even tractable fragments that can be used to model and test for robustness against RC for realistic scenarios.

2. Efficient Evaluation of Arbitrary Relational Calculus Queries

Martin Raszyk ; David Basin ; Srđan Krstić ; Dmitriy Traytel.
The relational calculus (RC) is a concise, declarative query language. However, existing RC query evaluation approaches are inefficient and often deviate from established algorithms based on finite tables used in database management systems. We devise a new translation of an arbitrary RC query into two safe-range queries, for which the finiteness of the query's evaluation result is guaranteed. Assuming an infinite domain, the two queries have the following meaning: The first is closed and characterizes the original query's relative safety, i.e., whether given a fixed database, the original query evaluates to a finite relation. The second safe-range query is equivalent to the original query, if the latter is relatively safe. We compose our translation with other, more standard ones to ultimately obtain two SQL queries. This allows us to use standard database management systems to evaluate arbitrary RC queries. We show that our translation improves the time complexity over existing approaches, which we also empirically confirm in both realistic and synthetic experiments.

3. Linear Programs with Conjunctive Database Queries

Florent Capelli ; Nicolas Crosetti ; Joachim Niehren ; Jan Ramon.
In this paper, we study the problem of optimizing a linear program whose variables are the answers to a conjunctive query. For this we propose the language LP(CQ) for specifying linear programs whose constraints and objective functions depend on the answer sets of conjunctive queries. We contribute an efficient algorithm for solving programs in a fragment of LP(CQ). The natural approach constructs a linear program having as many variables as there are elements in the answer set of the queries. Our approach constructs a linear program having the same optimal value but fewer variables. This is done by exploiting the structure of the conjunctive queries using generalized hypertree decompositions of small width to factorize elements of the answer set together. We illustrate the various applications of LP(CQ) programs on three examples: optimizing deliveries of resources, minimizing noise for differential privacy, and computing the s-measure of patterns in graphs as needed for data mining.

4. Expressiveness of SHACL Features and Extensions for Full Equality and Disjointness Tests

Bart Bogaerts ; Maxime Jakubowski ; Jan Van den Bussche.
SHACL is a W3C-proposed schema language for expressing structural constraints on RDF graphs. Recent work on formalizing this language has revealed a striking relationship to description logics. SHACL expressions can use three fundamental features that are not so common in description logics. These features are equality tests; disjointness tests; and closure constraints. Moreover, SHACL is peculiar in allowing only a restricted form of expressions (so-called targets) on the left-hand side of inclusion constraints. The goal of this paper is to obtain a clear picture of the impact and expressiveness of these features and restrictions. We show that each of the four features is primitive: using the feature, one can express boolean queries that are not expressible without using the feature. We also show that the restriction that SHACL imposes on allowed targets is inessential, as long as closure constraints are not used. In addition, we show that enriching SHACL with "full" versions of equality tests, or disjointness tests, results in a strictly more powerful language.

5. Rewriting with Acyclic Queries: Mind Your Head

Gaetano Geck ; Jens Keppeler ; Thomas Schwentick ; Christopher Spinrath.
The paper studies the rewriting problem, that is, the decision problem whether, for a given conjunctive query $Q$ and a set $\mathcal{V}$ of views, there is a conjunctive query $Q'$ over $\mathcal{V}$ that is equivalent to $Q$, for cases where the query, the views, and/or the desired rewriting are acyclic or even more restricted. It shows that, if $Q$ itself is acyclic, an acyclic rewriting exists if there is any rewriting. An analogous statement also holds for free-connex acyclic, hierarchical, and q-hierarchical queries. Regarding the complexity of the rewriting problem, the paper identifies a border between tractable and (presumably) intractable variants of the rewriting problem: for schemas of bounded arity, the acyclic rewriting problem is NP-hard, even if both $Q$ and the views in $\mathcal{V}$ are acyclic or hierarchical. However, it becomes tractable if the views are free-connex acyclic (i.e., in a nutshell, their body is (i) acyclic and (ii) remains acyclic if their head is added as an additional atom).