Regular model checking is a technique for the verification of infinite-state systems whose configurations can be represented as finite words over a suitable alphabet. The form we are studying applies to systems whose set of initial configurations is regular, and whose transition relation is captured by a length-preserving transducer. To verify safety properties, regular model checking iteratively computes automata recognizing increasingly larger regular sets of reachable configurations, and checks if they contain unsafe configurations. Since this procedure often does not terminate, acceleration, abstraction, and widening techniques have been developed to compute a regular superset of the reachable configurations. In this paper, we develop a complementary procedure. Instead of approaching the set of reachable configurations from below, we start with the set of all configurations and approach it from above. We use that the set of reachable configurations is equal to the intersection of all inductive invariants of the system. Since this intersection is non-regular in general, we introduce b-invariants, defined as those representable by CNF-formulas with at most b clauses. We prove that, for every $b\geq0$, the intersection of all inductive b-invariants is regular, and we construct an automaton recognizing it. We show that whether this automaton accepts some unsafe configuration is in EXPSPACE for every $b\geq0$, and PSPACE-complete for b=1. Finally, we study how large must b […]
To react to unforeseen circumstances or amend abnormal situations in communication-centric systems, programmers are in charge of "undoing" the interactions which led to an undesired state. To assist this task, session-based languages can be endowed with reversibility mechanisms. In this paper we propose a language enriched with programming facilities to commit session interactions, to roll back the computation to a previous commit point, and to abort the session. Rollbacks in our language always bring the system to previous visited states and a rollback cannot bring the system back to a point prior to the last commit. Programmers are relieved from the burden of ensuring that a rollback never restores a checkpoint imposed by a session participant different from the rollback requester. Such undesired situations are prevented at design-time (statically) by relying on a decidable compliance check at the type level, implemented in MAUDE. We show that the language satisfies error-freedom and progress of a session.
Temporal logics for the specification of information-flow properties are able to express relations between multiple executions of a system. The two most important such logics are HyperLTL and HyperCTL*, which generalise LTL and CTL* by trace quantification. It is known that this expressiveness comes at a price, i.e. satisfiability is undecidable for both logics. In this paper we settle the exact complexity of these problems, showing that both are in fact highly undecidable: we prove that HyperLTL satisfiability is $\Sigma_1^1$-complete and HyperCTL* satisfiability is $\Sigma_1^2$-complete. These are significant increases over the previously known lower bounds and the first upper bounds. To prove $\Sigma_1^2$-membership for HyperCTL*, we prove that every satisfiable HyperCTL* sentence has a model that is equinumerous to the continuum, the first upper bound of this kind. We also prove this bound to be tight. Furthermore, we prove that both countable and finitely-branching satisfiability for HyperCTL* are as hard as truth in second-order arithmetic, i.e. still highly undecidable. Finally, we show that the membership problem for every level of the HyperLTL quantifier alternation hierarchy is $\Pi_1^1$-complete.
Measurable cones, with linear and measurable functions as morphisms, are a model of intuitionistic linear logic and of call-by-name probabilistic PCF which accommodates "continuous data types" such as the real line. So far however, they lacked a major feature to make them a model of more general probabilistic programming languages (notably call-by-value and call-by-push-value languages): a theory of integration for functions whose codomain is a cone, which is the key ingredient for interpreting the sampling programming primitives. The goal of this paper is to develop such a theory: our definition of integrals is an adaptation to cones of Pettis integrals in topological vector spaces. We prove that such integrable cones, with integral-preserving linear maps as morphisms, form a model of Linear Logic for which we develop two exponential comonads: the first based on a notion of stable and measurable functions introduced in earlier work and the second based on a new notion of integrable analytic function on cones.
Worst-case input generation aims to automatically generate inputs that exhibit the worst-case performance of programs. It has several applications, and can, for example, detect vulnerabilities to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. However, it is non-trivial to generate worst-case inputs for concurrent programs, particularly for resources like memory where the peak cost depends on how processes are scheduled. This article presents the first sound worst-case input generation algorithm for concurrent programs under non-monotone resource metrics like memory. The key insight is to leverage resource-annotated session types and symbolic execution. Session types describe communication protocols on channels in process calculi. Equipped with resource annotations, resource-annotated session types not only encode cost bounds but also indicate how many resources can be reused and transferred between processes. This information is critical for identifying a worst-case execution path during symbolic execution. The algorithm is sound: if it returns any input, it is guaranteed to be a valid worst-case input. The algorithm is also relatively complete: as long as resource-annotated session types are sufficiently expressive and the background theory for SMT solving is decidable, a worst-case input is guaranteed to be returned. A simple case study of a web server's memory usage demonstrates the utility of the worst-case input generation algorithm.
Stefan Milius
Brigitte Pientka
Fabio Zanasi
Executive Editors
eISSN: 1860-5974