Giorgi Japaridze - Build your own clarithmetic I: Setup and completeness

lmcs:2020 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, April 27, 2017, Volume 12, Issue 3 -
Build your own clarithmetic I: Setup and completenessArticle

Authors: Giorgi Japaridze

    Clarithmetics are number theories based on computability logic (see ). Formulas of these theories represent interactive computational problems, and their "truth" is understood as existence of an algorithmic solution. Various complexity constraints on such solutions induce various versions of clarithmetic. The present paper introduces a parameterized/schematic version CLA11(P1,P2,P3,P4). By tuning the three parameters P1,P2,P3 in an essentially mechanical manner, one automatically obtains sound and complete theories with respect to a wide range of target tricomplexity classes, i.e. combinations of time (set by P3), space (set by P2) and so called amplitude (set by P1) complexities. Sound in the sense that every theorem T of the system represents an interactive number-theoretic computational problem with a solution from the given tricomplexity class and, furthermore, such a solution can be automatically extracted from a proof of T. And complete in the sense that every interactive number-theoretic problem with a solution from the given tricomplexity class is represented by some theorem of the system. Furthermore, through tuning the 4th parameter P4, at the cost of sacrificing recursive axiomatizability but not simplicity or elegance, the above extensional completeness can be strengthened to intensional completeness, according to which every formula representing a problem with a solution from the given tricomplexity class is a theorem of the system. This article is published in two parts. The present Part I introduces the system and proves its completeness, while Part II is devoted to proving soundness.

    Volume: Volume 12, Issue 3
    Published on: April 27, 2017
    Accepted on: September 6, 2016
    Submitted on: October 30, 2015
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,03F50, 03D75, 03D15, 68Q10, 68T27, 68T30,F.1.1,F.1.2,F.1.3

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