Dirk Hofmann ; Lurdes Sousa - Aspects of algebraic Algebras

lmcs:2644 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, July 10, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 3 - https://doi.org/10.23638/LMCS-13(3:4)2017
Aspects of algebraic AlgebrasArticle

Authors: Dirk Hofmann ORCID; Lurdes Sousa ORCID

    In this paper we investigate important categories lying strictly between the Kleisli category and the Eilenberg-Moore category, for a Kock-Zöberlein monad on an order-enriched category. Firstly, we give a characterisation of free algebras in the spirit of domain theory. Secondly, we study the existence of weighted (co)limits, both on the abstract level and for specific categories of domain theory like the category of algebraic lattices. Finally, we apply these results to give a description of the idempotent split completion of the Kleisli category of the filter monad on the category of topological spaces.

    Volume: Volume 13, Issue 3
    Published on: July 10, 2017
    Accepted on: June 18, 2017
    Submitted on: July 10, 2017
    Keywords: Mathematics - Category Theory,06B23, 06B35, 18A35, 18A40, 18B30, 18C20, 18D20
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
    • Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications; Code: UID/MAT/04106/2013
    • Center for Mathematics, University of Coimbra; Code: UID/MAT/00324/2013


    Mathematics Subject Classification 20201

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