Karoliina Lehtinen ; Udi Boker - Register Games

lmcs:5217 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, May 19, 2020, Volume 16, Issue 2 - https://doi.org/10.23638/LMCS-16(2:6)2020
Register GamesArticle

Authors: Karoliina Lehtinen ; Udi Boker

    The complexity of parity games is a long standing open problem that saw a major breakthrough in 2017 when two quasi-polynomial algorithms were published. This article presents a third, independent approach to solving parity games in quasi-polynomial time, based on the notion of register game, a parameterised variant of a parity game. The analysis of register games leads to a quasi-polynomial algorithm for parity games, a polynomial algorithm for restricted classes of parity games and a novel measure of complexity, the register index, which aims to capture the combined complexity of the priority assignement and the underlying game graph. We further present a translation of alternating parity word automata into alternating weak automata with only a quasi-polynomial increase in size, based on register games; this improves on the previous exponential translation. We also use register games to investigate the parity index hierarchy: while for words the index hierarchy of alternating parity automata collapses to the weak level, and for trees it is strict, for structures between trees and words, it collapses logarithmically, in the sense that any parity tree automaton of size n is equivalent, on these particular classes of structures, to an automaton with a number of priorities logarithmic in n.

    Volume: Volume 16, Issue 2
    Published on: May 19, 2020
    Accepted on: March 30, 2020
    Submitted on: February 28, 2019
    Keywords: Computer Science - Formal Languages and Automata Theory,68Q45

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