
Game Comonads & Generalised Quantifiers

Game comonads, introduced by Abramsky, Dawar and Wang and developed by Abramsky and Shah, give an interesting categorical semantics to some Spoiler-Duplicator games that are common in finite model theory. In particular they expose connections between one-sided and two-sided games, and parameters such as treewidth and treedepth and corresponding notions of decomposition. In the present paper, we expand the realm of game comonads to logics with generalised quantifiers. In particular, we introduce a comonad graded by two parameters $n \leq k$ such that isomorphisms in the resulting Kleisli category are exactly Duplicator winning strategies in Hella's $n$-bijection game with $k$ pebbles. We define a one-sided version of this game which allows us to provide a categorical semantics for a number of logics with generalised quantifiers. We also give a novel notion of tree decomposition that emerges from the construction.

Published on July 23, 2024
Coalgebraic Satisfiability Checking for Arithmetic $\mu$-Calculi

The coalgebraic $\mu$-calculus provides a generic semantic framework for fixpoint logics over systems whose branching type goes beyond the standard relational setup, e.g. probabilistic, weighted, or game-based. Previous work on the coalgebraic $\mu$-calculus includes an exponential-time upper bound on satisfiability checking, which however relies on the availability of tableau rules for the next-step modalities that are sufficiently well-behaved in a formally defined sense; in particular, rule matches need to be representable by polynomial-sized codes, and the sequent duals of the rules need to absorb cut. While such rule sets have been identified for some important cases, they are not known to exist in all cases of interest, in particular ones involving either integer weights as in the graded $\mu$-calculus, or real-valued weights in combination with non-linear arithmetic. In the present work, we prove the same upper complexity bound under more general assumptions, specifically regarding the complexity of the (much simpler) satisfiability problem for the underlying one-step logic, roughly described as the nesting-free next-step fragment of the logic. The bound is realized by a generic global caching algorithm that supports on-the-fly satisfiability checking. Notably, our approach directly accommodates unguarded formulae, and thus avoids use of the guardedness transformation. Example applications include new exponential-time upper bounds for satisfiability checking in an […]

Published on July 23, 2024
Synthesizing nested relational queries from implicit specifications: via model theory and via proof theory

Derived datasets can be defined implicitly or explicitly. An implicit definition (of dataset O in terms of datasets I) is a logical specification involving two distinguished sets of relational symbols. One set of relations is for the "source data" I, and the other is for the "interface data" O. Such a specification is a valid definition of O in terms of I, if any two models of the specification agreeing on I agree on O. In contrast, an explicit definition is a transformation (or "query" below) that produces O from I. Variants of Beth's theorem state that one can convert implicit definitions to explicit ones. Further, this conversion can be done effectively given a proof witnessing implicit definability in a suitable proof system. We prove the analogous implicit-to-explicit result for nested relations: implicit definitions, given in the natural logic for nested relations, can be converted to explicit definitions in the nested relational calculus (NRC). We first provide a model-theoretic argument for this result, which makes some additional connections that may be of independent interest, between NRC queries, interpretations, a standard mechanism for defining structure-to-structure translation in logic, and between interpretations and implicit to definability "up to unique isomorphism". The latter connection uses a variation of a result of Gaifman concerning "relatively categorical" theories. We also provide a proof-theoretic […]

Published on July 22, 2024
Many-valued coalgebraic logic over semi-primal varieties

We study many-valued coalgebraic logics with semi-primal algebras of truth-degrees. We provide a systematic way to lift endofunctors defined on the variety of Boolean algebras to endofunctors on the variety generated by a semi-primal algebra. We show that this can be extended to a technique to lift classical coalgebraic logics to many-valued ones, and that (one-step) completeness and expressivity are preserved under this lifting. For specific classes of endofunctors, we also describe how to obtain an axiomatization of the lifted many-valued logic directly from an axiomatization of the original classical one. In particular, we apply all of these techniques to classical modal logic.

Published on July 17, 2024
Operations on Fixpoint Equation Systems

We study operations on fixpoint equation systems (FES) over arbitrary complete lattices. We investigate under which conditions these operations, such as substituting variables by their definition, and swapping the ordering of equations, preserve the solution of a FES. We provide rigorous, computer-checked proofs. Along the way, we list a number of known and new identities and inequalities on extremal fixpoints in complete lattices.

Published on July 10, 2024

Managing Editors


Stefan Milius

Brigitte Pientka
Fabio Zanasi
Executive Editors

Editorial Board
Executive Board

eISSN: 1860-5974

Logical Methods in Computer Science is an open-access journal, covered by SCOPUS, DBLPWeb of Science, Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt. The journal is a member of the Free Journal Network. All journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons license.