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2 results

Coinductive Foundations of Infinitary Rewriting and Infinitary Equational Logic

Jörg Endrullis ; Helle Hvid Hansen ; Dimitri Hendriks ; Andrew Polonsky ; Alexandra Silva.
We present a coinductive framework for defining and reasoning about the infinitary analogues of equational logic and term rewriting in a uniform, coinductive way. The setup captures rewrite sequences of arbitrary ordinal length, but it has neither the need for ordinals nor for metric convergence.&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 10, 2018

Degrees of extensionality in the theory of B\"ohm trees and Sall\'e's conjecture

Benedetto Intrigila ; Giulio Manzonetto ; Andrew Polonsky.
The main observational equivalences of the untyped lambda-calculus have been characterized in terms of extensional equalities between B\"ohm trees. It is well known that the lambda-theory H*, arising by taking as observables the head normal forms, equates two lambda-terms whenever their B\"ohm trees&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 29, 2019

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