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2 results

Unary negation

Luc Segoufin ; Balder ten Cate.
We study fragments of first-order logic and of least fixed point logic that allow only unary negation: negation of formulas with at most one free variable. These logics generalize many interesting known formalisms, including modal logic and the $\mu$-calculus, as well as conjunctive queries and&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 24, 2013

Lindstrom theorems for fragments of first-order logic

Johan van Benthem ; Balder ten Cate ; Jouko Vaananen.
Lindstr\"om theorems characterize logics in terms of model-theoretic conditions such as Compactness and the L\"owenheim-Skolem property. Most existing characterizations of this kind concern extensions of first-order logic. But on the other hand, many logics relevant to computer science are fragments&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 3, 2009

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