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2 results

The Shapley Value of Tuples in Query Answering

Ester Livshits ; Leopoldo Bertossi ; Benny Kimelfeld ; Moshe Sebag.
We investigate the application of the Shapley value to quantifying the contribution of a tuple to a query answer. The Shapley value is a widely known numerical measure in cooperative game theory and in many applications of game theory for assessing the contribution of a player to a coalition game.&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 2, 2021

The Complexity of Aggregates over Extractions by Regular Expressions

Johannes Doleschal ; Benny Kimelfeld ; Wim Martens.
Regular expressions with capture variables, also known as regex-formulas, extract relations of spans (intervals identified by their start and end indices) from text. In turn, the class of regular document spanners is the closure of the regex formulas under the Relational Algebra. We investigate the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 9, 2023

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