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3 results

On (Subgame Perfect) Secure Equilibrium in Quantitative Reachability Games

Thomas Brihaye ; Véronique Bruyère ; Julie De Pril ; Hugo Gimbert.
We study turn-based quantitative multiplayer non zero-sum games played on finite graphs with reachability objectives. In such games, each player aims at reaching his own goal set of states as soon as possible. A previous work on this model showed that Nash equilibria (resp. secure equilibria) are&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 28, 2013

Deciding the value 1 problem for probabilistic leaktight automata

Nathanaël Fijalkow ; Hugo Gimbert ; Edon Kelmendi ; Youssouf Oualhadj.
The value 1 problem is a decision problem for probabilistic automata over finite words: given a probabilistic automaton, are there words accepted with probability arbitrarily close to 1? This problem was proved undecidable recently; to overcome this, several classes of probabilistic automata of&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 23, 2015

Controlling a population

Nathalie Bertrand ; Miheer Dewaskar ; Blaise Genest ; Hugo Gimbert ; Adwait Amit Godbole.
We introduce a new setting where a population of agents, each modelled by a finite-state system, are controlled uniformly: the controller applies the same action to every agent. The framework is largely inspired by the control of a biological system, namely a population of yeasts, where the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on July 29, 2019

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