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2 results

Sequential Relational Decomposition

Dror Fried ; Axel Legay ; Joël Ouaknine ; Moshe Y. Vardi.
The concept of decomposition in computer science and engineering is considered a fundamental component of computational thinking and is prevalent in design of algorithms, software construction, hardware design, and more. We propose a simple and natural formalization of sequential decomposition, in&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 3, 2022

On the Expressiveness and Monitoring of Metric Temporal Logic

Hsi-Ming Ho ; Joël Ouaknine ; James Worrell.
It is known that Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) is strictly less expressive than the Monadic First-Order Logic of Order and Metric (FO[<, +1]) when interpreted over timed words; this remains true even when the time domain is bounded a priori. In this work, we present an extension of MTL with the same&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 10, 2019

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