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2 results

Characteristic Logics for Behavioural Hemimetrics via Fuzzy Lax Extensions

Paul Wild ; Lutz Schröder.
In systems involving quantitative data, such as probabilistic, fuzzy, or metric systems, behavioural distances provide a more fine-grained comparison of states than two-valued notions of behavioural equivalence or behaviour inclusion. Like in the two-valued case, the wide variation found in system&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 15, 2022

Quasilinear-time Computation of Generic Modal Witnesses for Behavioural Inequivalence

Thorsten Wißmann ; Stefan Milius ; Lutz Schröder.
We provide a generic algorithm for constructing formulae that distinguish behaviourally inequivalent states in systems of various transition types such as nondeterministic, probabilistic or weighted; genericity over the transition type is achieved by working with coalgebras for a set functor in the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 17, 2022

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