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2 results

Classical Control, Quantum Circuits and Linear Logic in Enriched Category Theory

Mathys Rennela ; Sam Staton.
We describe categorical models of a circuit-based (quantum) functional programming language. We show that enriched categories play a crucial role. Following earlier work on QWire by Paykin et al., we consider both a simple first-order linear language for circuits, and a more powerful host language,&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 10, 2020

Convexity and Order in Probabilistic Call-by-Name FPC

Mathys Rennela.
Kegelspitzen are mathematical structures coined by Keimel and Plotkin, in order to encompass the structure of a convex set and the structure of a dcpo. In this paper, we ask ourselves what are Kegelspitzen the model of. We adopt a categorical viewpoint and show that Kegelspitzen model stochastic&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 13, 2020

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