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2 results

Recursion Schemes, the MSO Logic, and the U quantifier

Paweł Parys.
We study the model-checking problem for recursion schemes: does the tree generated by a given higher-order recursion scheme satisfy a given logical sentence. The problem is known to be decidable for sentences of the MSO logic. We prove decidability for an extension of MSO in which we additionally&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 18, 2020

On the Expressive Power of Higher-Order Pushdown Systems

Paweł Parys.
We show that deterministic collapsible pushdown automata of second order can recognize a language that is not recognizable by any deterministic higher-order pushdown automaton (without collapse) of any order. This implies that there exists a tree generated by a second order collapsible pushdown&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 20, 2020

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