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2 results

Branching Bisimilarity of Normed BPA Processes as a Rational Monoid

Petr Jancar.
The paper presents an elaborated and simplified version of the structural result for branching bisimilarity on normed BPA (Basic Process Algebra) processes that was the crux of a conference paper by Czerwinski and Jancar (arxiv 7/2014 and LiCS 2015). That paper focused on the computational&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 28, 2017

Countdown games, and simulation on (succinct) one-counter nets

Petr Jancar ; Petr Osicka ; Zdenek Sawa.
We answer an open complexity question by Hofman, Lasota, Mayr, Totzke (LMCS 2016) for simulation preorder on the class of succinct one-counter nets (i.e., one-counter automata with no zero tests where counter increments and decrements are integers written in binary); the problem was known to be&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 9, 2023

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