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A coalgebraic treatment of conditional transition systems with upgrades

Harsh Beohar ; Barbara König ; Sebastian Küpper ; Alexandra Silva ; Thorsten Wißmann.
We consider conditional transition systems, that model software product lines with upgrades, in a coalgebraic setting. By using Birkhoff's duality for distributive lattices, we derive two equivalent Kleisli categories in which these coalgebras live: Kleisli categories based on the reader and on the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 28, 2018

Efficient and Modular Coalgebraic Partition Refinement

Thorsten Wißmann ; Ulrich Dorsch ; Stefan Milius ; Lutz Schröder.
We present a generic partition refinement algorithm that quotients coalgebraic systems by behavioural equivalence, an important task in system analysis and verification. Coalgebraic generality allows us to cover not only classical relational systems but also, e.g. various forms of weighted systems&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 31, 2020

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