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2 results

Linear-use CPS translations in the Enriched Effect Calculus

Jeff Egger ; Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg ; Alex Simpson.
The enriched effect calculus (EEC) is an extension of Moggi's computational metalanguage with a selection of primitives from linear logic. This paper explores the enriched effect calculus as a target language for continuation-passing-style (CPS) translations in which the typing of the translations&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on October 5, 2012

Relational Parametricity for Computational Effects

Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg ; Alex Simpson.
According to Strachey, a polymorphic program is parametric if it applies a uniform algorithm independently of the type instantiations at which it is applied. The notion of relational parametricity, introduced by Reynolds, is one possible mathematical formulation of this idea. Relational&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 9, 2009

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