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3 results

Distribution Bisimilarity via the Power of Convex Algebras

Filippo Bonchi ; Alexandra Silva ; Ana Sokolova.
Probabilistic automata (PA), also known as probabilistic nondeterministic labelled transition systems, combine probability and nondeterminism. They can be given different semantics, like strong bisimilarity, convex bisimilarity, or (more recently) distribution bisimilarity. The latter is based on&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on July 23, 2021

Termination in Convex Sets of Distributions

Ana Sokolova ; Harald Woracek.
Convex algebras, also called (semi)convex sets, are at the heart of modelling probabilistic systems including probabilistic automata. Abstractly, they are the Eilenberg-Moore algebras of the finitely supported distribution monad. Concretely, they have been studied for decades within algebra and&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 20, 2018

The Theory of Traces for Systems with Nondeterminism, Probability, and Termination

Filippo Bonchi ; Ana Sokolova ; Valeria Vignudelli.
This paper studies trace-based equivalences for systems combining nondeterministic and probabilistic choices. We show how trace semantics for such processes can be recovered by instantiating a coalgebraic construction known as the generalised powerset construction. We characterise and compare the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 17, 2022

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