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5 results

The degree structure of Weihrauch-reducibility

Kojiro Higuchi ; Arno Pauly.
We answer a question by Vasco Brattka and Guido Gherardi by proving that the Weihrauch-lattice is not a Brouwer algebra. The computable Weihrauch-lattice is also not a Heyting algebra, but the continuous Weihrauch-lattice is. We further investigate the existence of infinite infima and suprema, as&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 2, 2013

Finite choice, convex choice and finding roots

Stéphane Le Roux ; Arno Pauly.
We investigate choice principles in the Weihrauch lattice for finite sets on the one hand, and convex sets on the other hand. Increasing cardinality and increasing dimension both correspond to increasing Weihrauch degrees. Moreover, we demonstrate that the dimension of convex sets can be&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 2, 2015

Weihrauch-completeness for layerwise computability

Arno Pauly ; Willem Fouché ; George Davie.
We introduce the notion of being Weihrauch-complete for layerwise computability and provide several natural examples related to complex oscillations, the law of the iterated logarithm and Birkhoff's theorem. We also consider hitting time operators, which share the Weihrauch degree of the former&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 22, 2018

Game characterizations and lower cones in the Weihrauch degrees

Hugo Nobrega ; Arno Pauly.
We introduce a parametrized version of the Wadge game for functions and show that each lower cone in the Weihrauch degrees is characterized by such a game. These parametrized Wadge games subsume the original Wadge game, the eraser and backtrack games as well as Semmes's tree games. In particular, we&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 6, 2019

On the algebraic structure of Weihrauch degrees

Vasco Brattka ; Arno Pauly.
We introduce two new operations (compositional products and implication) on Weihrauch degrees, and investigate the overall algebraic structure. The validity of the various distributivity laws is studied and forms the basis for a comparison with similar structures such as residuated lattices and&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on October 25, 2018

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