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3 results

Generic Trace Semantics via Coinduction

Ichiro Hasuo ; Bart Jacobs ; Ana Sokolova.
Trace semantics has been defined for various kinds of state-based systems, notably with different forms of branching such as non-determinism vs. probability. In this paper we claim to identify one underlying mathematical structure behind these "trace semantics," namely coinduction in a Kleisli&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 19, 2007

Bases as Coalgebras

Bart Jacobs.
The free algebra adjunction, between the category of algebras of a monad and the underlying category, induces a comonad on the category of algebras. The coalgebras of this comonad are the topic of study in this paper (following earlier work). It is illustrated how such coalgebras-on-algebras can be&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 18, 2013

Orthomodular lattices, Foulis Semigroups and Dagger Kernel Categories

Bart Jacobs.
This paper is a sequel to arXiv:0902.2355 and continues the study of quantum logic via dagger kernel categories. It develops the relation between these categories and both orthomodular lattices and Foulis semigroups. The relation between the latter two notions has been uncovered in the 1960s. The&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 18, 2010

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