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2 results

Rooted Divergence-Preserving Branching Bisimilarity is a Congruence

Rob van Glabbeek ; Bas Luttik ; Linda Spaninks.
We prove that rooted divergence-preserving branching bisimilarity is a congruence for the process specification language consisting of nil, action prefix, choice, and the recursion construct.
Published on August 28, 2020

Computation Tree Logic with Deadlock Detection

Rob van Glabbeek ; Bas Luttik ; Nikola Trcka.
We study the equivalence relation on states of labelled transition systems of satisfying the same formulas in Computation Tree Logic without the next state modality (CTL-X). This relation is obtained by De Nicola & Vaandrager by translating labelled transition systems to Kripke structures, while&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 22, 2009

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