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Characterising Testing Preorders for Finite Probabilistic Processes

Yuxin Deng ; Matthew Hennessy ; Rob van Glabbeek ; Carroll Morgan.
In 1992 Wang & Larsen extended the may- and must preorders of De Nicola and Hennessy to processes featuring probabilistic as well as nondeterministic choice. They concluded with two problems that have remained open throughout the years, namely to find complete axiomatisations and alternative&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on October 28, 2008

Abstract Hidden Markov Models: a monadic account of quantitative information flow

Annabelle McIver ; Carroll Morgan ; Tahiry Rabehaja.
Hidden Markov Models, HMM's, are mathematical models of Markov processes with state that is hidden, but from which information can leak. They are typically represented as 3-way joint-probability distributions. We use HMM's as denotations of probabilistic hidden-state sequential programs: for that,&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 29, 2019

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