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2 results

Probabilistic call by push value

Thomas Ehrhard ; Christine Tasson.
We introduce a probabilistic extension of Levy's Call-By-Push-Value. This extension consists simply in adding a " flipping coin " boolean closed atomic expression. This language can be understood as a major generalization of Scott's PCF encompassing both call-by-name and call-by-value and featuring&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 9, 2019

Call-by-value, call-by-name and the vectorial behaviour of the algebraic \lambda-calculus

Ali Assaf ; Alejandro Díaz-Caro ; Simon Perdrix ; Christine Tasson ; Benoî t Valiron.
We examine the relationship between the algebraic lambda-calculus, a fragment of the differential lambda-calculus and the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus, a candidate lambda-calculus for quantum computation. Both calculi are algebraic: each one is equipped with an additive and a&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 9, 2014

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