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3 results

A Distribution Law for CCS and a New Congruence Result for the pi-calculus

Daniel Hirschkoff ; Damien Pous.
We give an axiomatisation of strong bisimilarity on a small fragment of CCS that does not feature the sum operator. This axiomatisation is then used to derive congruence of strong bisimilarity in the finite pi-calculus in absence of sum. To our knowledge, this is the only nontrivial subcalculus of&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 14, 2008

Petri Automata

Paul Brunet ; Damien Pous.
Kleene algebra axioms are complete with respect to both language models and binary relation models. In particular, two regular expressions recognise the same language if and only if they are universally equivalent in the model of binary relations. We consider Kleene allegories, i.e., Kleene algebras&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 26, 2017

Modular coinduction up-to for higher-order languages via first-order transition systems

Jean-Marie Madiot ; Damien Pous ; Davide Sangiorgi.
The bisimulation proof method can be enhanced by employing `bisimulations up-to' techniques. A comprehensive theory of such enhancements has been developed for first-order (i.e., CCS-like) labelled transition systems (LTSs) and bisimilarity, based on abstract fixed-point theory and compatible&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 17, 2021

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